Monday 17 February 2014

This blog is used to host my published stories and academic work.


  • At Haymarket Publishing I learned how to transcribe interviews quickly and efficiently. This resulted in the Gianluca Vialli's 'Perfect XI' feature for FourFourTwo Magazine. Read it here: Vialli's Perfect XI.

  • At TalkSPORT Radio, my job was to cut and edit the 'Clips of the Week' section for the Hawksbee and Jacobs Show. Listen to it here: Clips of the Week.


  • Here is a link to the University newsletter and e-magazine I created and now edit: The Great Write of Southlands, Roehampton University. 

  • For my Multimedia Journalism Module, I was asked to source an original news story from Twitter. Here is my first class piece on the new Surrey Custody Suite: Twitter Sourced News Story.